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Execute the same statements on multiple DB connections

Often I have to execute the same statements on multiple DB connections. Currently I have to switch the connection for each server manually before I execute the script or statement and go to the next server. 

It would be great to be able to select the connections a script should be executed for and then run the script on all connections at once. 

Or maybe I could select a folder and the script is executed on all connections in this folder. 

Hi Herbert,

We have discussed this and decided to not do anything for now, but you may be able use the command line interface with a BAT file or  Unix script to do this. Please see this page for more about the command line interface:

Best Regards,


Hi Hans, 

Thank you very much. I'm looking forward for further information. 

Best regards


Hi Herbert,

Thanks for the suggestion. We will discuss it and let you know if it gets implemented in a future release.

Best Regards,


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