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Retain upgrade directory (redux)

 I would have posted this with my previous (migrated) post, but it appears to be closed for comments:

Retain upgrade directory

Did this issue get addressed in the last update? I just updated from 10.0.6 to 10.0.7 on MacOS and this is the first time that I was prompted with the directory from the last update rather than my home directory (huzzah!).

Unfortunately when I upgraded on Windows it still used my home directory rather than the install directory from the previous update. Oh well, maybe next time.


Remembering previous install folder was included in 10.0.3. It should work on macOS and Windows. Let us know if it doesn't work next time.



Very nice! I usually try and review the Release Notes for each update but I guess I missed that one. Thanks!

I'll also say here that I really love your Release Notes pages. They're among the best I've seen. Clear and concise and they make it easy to review the update history. Kudos!!

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