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Export table changing "Qualify Name" ( schema ) does not change create index statements

Product: DbVisualizer Pro 9.5.8 [Build #2751]

OS: Linux

OS Version: 4.4.0-112-generic

OS Arch: amd64

Java Version: 1.8.0_161

Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM

Java Vendor: Oracle Corporation

Java Home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre

DbVis Home: /opt/DbVisualizer

User Home: /home/dnbrown

PrefsDir: /home/dnbrown/.dbvis

SessionId: 214

BindDir: /home/dnbrown/.dbvis/[0]

Database is:  DB2 LUW

Using "Export Table", when I change the "Qualify Name:" field to a new value, in order to change the schema name, the table create statements are correct, however the create index statements are still coming out with the original schema name.


create table bprocess.block_releases


      id bigint not null generated by default as identity

    , org_id bigint not null




    , constraint block_releases_pk primary key( id )


create unique index rtv2.block_releases_x01

on rtv2.block_releases



    , org_id


   allow reverse scans;

Hi Dennis,

Just want to let you know DbVisualizer 10.0.8 is now released with a fix for the issue you reported.

Easiest is that you open Help->Check for Update in DbVisualizer to perform the upgrade. 
An alternative is that you download from our web site:



Hi Dennis,

Thanks for reporting this. I will open a ticket to get it fixed. You will be notified when it is.

Best Regards


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