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Auto-complete replacement

I would love to see DbVisualizer add the following feature, which can be found in other applications like PyCharm's IDE:

When making a selection from an auto-complete list, with the [Enter] key inserts the selected text (exactly as it does now), but using the [Tab] key inserts it and deletes any "word" characters after the cursor. That way, positioning the cursor in the middle of an existing word and pressing [Ctrl+Space] and [Tab] on the desired choice would replace the entire word with that choice, instead of effectively inserting it into that pre-existing word.

For example, if there are fields named CREATED_BY and CREATED_DATE, and ^ indicates the position of the cursor: 

CREAT^=[Ctrl+Space][Enter]  => CREATED_BY=
CREATED^_DATE=[Ctrl+Space][Enter]  => CREATED_BY_DATE=
CREATED^_DATE=[Ctrl+Space][Tab]  => CREATED_BY=

[Enter] is especially useful when typing a name from scratch, while [Tab] is especially useful when editing an existing name.

1 Comment

Hi Charles,

Thanks for the suggestion. We will look into if this is something we can implement.

Best Regards, 


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