Is there a possibility in the software to group code script with + and - (similar to sql server below ). It is very useful and convenient to manage code
Best Answer
Roger Bjärevall
about 6 years ago
Hi Omer,
To fold lines, right-click and choose the Folding Operations sub menu.
To edit multiple lines, hold Alt while you drag the selection. Then release and enter the text to insert. See screencast for an example.
Omer Levy
Is there a possibility in the software to group code script with + and - (similar to sql server below ). It is very useful and convenient to manage code
Hi Omer,
To fold lines, right-click and choose the Folding Operations sub menu.
To edit multiple lines, hold Alt while you drag the selection. Then release and enter the text to insert. See screencast for an example.
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Sorted by PopularRoger Bjärevall
Hi Omer,
To fold lines, right-click and choose the Folding Operations sub menu.
To edit multiple lines, hold Alt while you drag the selection. Then release and enter the text to insert. See screencast for an example.
Omer Levy
Thanks Roger:)
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