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Auto-open Database Sub-Topics

I have created dedicated filters for each of my databases so that in the Databases Tab I only see the sub-topics I need for that database. 

For example, say I'm only interested in SchemaName1, and only its Tables; I set up a filter so instead of seeing: 

 - DBName
   - Schemas
     - SchemaName1
        - Tables
           - Table1
           - Table2
        - Views
        - Temporary Tables
     - SchemaName2
   - DBA Views

 I see: 

 - DBName
   - Schemas
     - SchemaName
        - Tables
           - Table1
           - Table2


What would be great is if, when I click the "+" next to DBName, DbVisualizer could automatically open any sub-topic that only has a single entry. In the above case, instead of having to manually click on DBName, Schemas, SchemaName and Tables in order to see Table1 and Table2, after I click on DBName DbVisualizer could open all those sub-topics until it opens one with more than one sub-topic (in this case, Table1 and Table2).

There's basically nothing else to be done after opening a topic with only one sub-topic, so it's not a stretch for DbVisualizer to do it for me!

1 Comment


I will open a ticket for your suggestion.



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