You can use the return code of DbVisualizer. DbVisualizer does return a return code that is not 0 on errors.
Here is an example:
call dbviscmd.bat -connection H2 -sql "select * from IDONOTEXIST"
IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 Echo An error was found
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 Echo No error found
I'm afraid there is no way of redirecting the errors to a separate file.
I did try %ERRORLEVEL% and it is always EQU 0 irrespective of the query whether the table exist or not
my sql script file something like this
@export on;
@export set filename ="abc.csv";
select * from temp.table1;
@export off
Maybe it has something to do with the way you are calling the script. I just did the following:
call dbviscmd.bat -connection H2 -sqlfile example.sql
IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 Echo An error was found
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 Echo No error found
@export on;
@export set filename ="abc.csv";
select * from table1;
@export off
When I run this I get the result according to the snapshot below. I see the following causes why this might not work
Probably won't solve this problem but I noticed that teeing standard out to a file makes errorlevel be the result of the pipe/teeing being most probably 0 all the time. Hope other find this helpful.
Pari n
I have a batch file with series of call to dbviscmd like this
call "dbviscmd.bat" - connection "XYZ" sqlfile "1.sql" -output result
call "dbviscmd.bat" - connection "XYZ" sqlfile "2.sql" -output result
call "dbviscmd.bat" - connection "XYZ" sqlfile "3.sql" -output result
All the sql create csv file with @export on and @export off. On ideal case 1.sql,2.sql,3.sql creates 3 file. Sometime 2.sql file is not created because the table was not there. Now it is 3 so easily can be found out. I have 100 sql which creates 100 file if it miss something i am able to find which one, manually need to check everything.
Is there a way to check if dbviscmd.bat completed successfully or sql had an error. Can we error out into another text file in batch command something like 2>>log.txt. anything? Thanks