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Delete entire lines with a shortcut


I would like to have the possibility to delete the entire lines selected or the one the cursor is on using a shortcut (like Ctrl-D) just like jEdits "Delete lines" feature or along the line vim provides the "dd".

Kind regards


Hi Thiemo

A command for deleting a line is already available; default binding is Ctrl + Y for Windows and Meta + Y for Mac, but undefined for Linux-Unix. You can redefine it to Ctrl + D (or whatever you prefer) if you want to. Is that what you are looking for?

Hi Peer

Ah well, I did not see that in the Edit menu, so I assumed it did not exist. Thanks for pointing at it. However, testing it I noticed it deleted only the last line when having selected several lines. Could that be changed if not done after 10.0.23?

Kind regards


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