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Hi all

I use build 3060 and have problems I think not to have experienced with the build before.

The application "zombiefies" from time to time. Some dialogues would not open any longer (e.g. open, Report BETA version Issues or Suggestions...) some windows stay empty (Monitor).

My installation is, however, somewhat freaky (just say shitty but that's the way I have to cope with):

  • uses a copy of the config directory of a 10.0.23 installation
  • the configuration directory is shared with other environments
  • binary is hosted on a Windows share (call it Q) run by a Linux server forwarded over RDP, i.e. I connect via RDP to a server where Q is mounted, there I connect via RDP to another server to which Q is forwarded making it there available as \\tsclient\Q

Kind regards


The previous build was 3052 I just noticed.

 Please find todays log files attached

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