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Issue with Find/Replace using selected text and regular expressions


When attempting to find replace via highlighted selection and regex, when select replace `all`, only subsection of initial highlighted text is searched/replaced. After hitting `all`, highlight over text is reduced, and newly unhighlighted text has not been searched/replaced.

I have also noticed this in DBVis version 11

Issue replication:

    When text is highlighted in SQL Commander

    Find/Replace via Regex (example replace `^` with `,` [adding comma to beginning of highlighted lines])

    Target: Selected Text

    Options: Use: Regular Expressions

    -> Hit `Find` button

    -> Hit `ALL` button

1 Comment

Hi Brian (and anyone else experiencing the same problem),

We have registered a support ticket in order to investigate this. Unfortunately we are not able to reproduce the problem. We would be grateful if anyone else experiencing this problem could supply more details and (ideally) a sample file to help us troubleshoot this issue.



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