It seems the problem only happens when emptying the table using either TRUNCATE or DELETE is chosen. When testing the import with an initially empty table, that worked instantly.
Hi Thorsten,
Converting this to a ticket. Will ask you for some more information in context of the ticket.
I very much wonder a database should accept the dot as a part of an object name at all. It is used as delimiter between the names of different "objects" if you want/need to give a more fully qualified name, e.g.:
-- I usually do not write like this as using aliases make code much more -- readable for me, this is solely for illustrative purposes. select SCHEMA#1.TABLE_AS_EXAPMLE.NEW_ATTRIBUTE$WITHOUT_A_PURPOSE from SCHEMA#1.TABLE_AS_EXAPMLE left outer join SCHEMA#2.TABLE_AS_EXAPMLE on SCHEMA#1.TABLE_AS_EXAPMLE.NEW_ATTRIBUTE$WITHOUT_A_PURPOSE = SCHEMA#2.TABLE_AS_EXAPMLE.NEW_ATTRIBUTE$WITHOUT_A_PURPOSE where SCHEMA#2.TABLE_AS_EXAPMLE.NEW_ATTRIBUTE$WITHOUT_A_PURPOSE is null;
But then, I might have got wrong the issue all together.
Thorsten Schöning
Some of my databases use a naming scheme following the Java package convention, so that I get something like the following:
> de.am_soft.sm_mtg.backend.bug_2628
I tried to import data using the import dialog of one of the tables within that database and that resulted in the following exception:
That means something like a wrong name because of too many name parts. The reason most likely is that the name of the database is not quoted to support dots in its name. This is especially a problem because with only one open connection the name of the database wouldn't be necessary most likely, but can't be changed at all like can be seen in the attached screenshots.
Would be great if you could have a look and improve this. Thanks!