Hi Martie,
Thanks for your help in resolving this issue. We wrote a short article to address MariaDB with UTF-8 Character Sets and Collations.
Hi Peer,
I was wandering around in jira.mariadb.org and found a post with a different problem, but there was information about setting session variables in the connection string.
It solves the issue.
Note: You cannot just use collation_connection, you have to specify the character_set variables as well
Database Connection > Properties > Driver Properties
Parameter SessionVariables
character_set_client=utf8, character_set_results=utf8, character_set_connection=utf8, collation_connection=latin1_spanish_ci
Hi Martie,
Thanks for the update! Will review our solution article with respect to this.
Martie Henry
We are using latin1_spanish_ci collation for latin1 character set with utf-8 encoding in our MariaDB.
In DbVisualizer, with MariaDB jdbc connector, all of the Spanish characters with diacritical (accent) marks were displaying like this �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �, �
Evidently, the MariaDB jdbc connector does not fully support specifying collation at this time.
I switched to the mySQL jdbc connector and set the driver property connectionCollation = latin1_spanish_ci. Same problem.
It was not until I also set the driver property characterEncoding = utf-8 that the Spanish characters with diacritical (accent) marks displayed correctly like this ü, é, á, í, ó, ú, ñ, Ñ, ¿, ¡
I have attached screen shots to illustrate the problem and solution.
If anyone else is experiencing this problem, I hope this will help.