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BETA testing for 13.0 started

The beta testing for the upcoming 13.0 version is now live. Give it a test spin and let us know what you think!

Update: The BETA testing is now closed as DbVisualizer 13.0 has been released. Thanks for all your comments and suggestions!

2 people have this problem

i just download it and it report "beta versionespired"!

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For the new google driver for bigquery the graves (backtick ` ) aren't used, and it doesn't use the project-id.  The full needs to be used,


An additional issue is that you have to limit the response explicitly.  In V12 with the old simba driver it limited to the dbvis normal 1000 without having to make that part of the query.

Working example:





    LIMIT 1000;

Without the LIMIT:

18:12:29 FAILED [SELECT - 0 rows, 0.871 secs] java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException -> See Tools->Debug Window and the Error Log for details)   





2022-02-09 18:09:37.739 WARN 871 [ExecutorRunner-pool-3-thread-15 - cb.b] Internal error while executing: SELECT 




com.onseven.dbvis.l.f.s: java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException


..... <cut> .....

 at com.onseven.dbvis.jdbc.b.g$

 ... 4 more

2022-02-09 18:12:30.017 WARN 871 [ExecutorRunner-pool-3-thread-16 - cb.b] Internal error while executing: SELECT 


..... <cut> .....

Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/util/concurrent/internal/InternalFutureFailureAccess



Google BigQuery is still not fully supported. However, the next beta will have proper settings for delimited identifiers and qualifiers, so that should not be an issue. 

The problem with LIMIT is still puzzling us as there are no good documentation on how to workaround the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError error. There is the MaxRows driver property which depending on its settings may work in some situations but fail with the same error in other. Appending LIMIT does however seem to work properly.

Next beta will include basic support for BigQuery which will need the above tweak in order to fully work. We do have plans do fully support BigQuery during the spring.



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Like I mentioned, the older Simba JDBC seemed to work with the internal  DBVis MaxRows. If you can still download it you may be able to poke at it and see if reflection can give you some insight.

I had it working pretty well before the beta, example entry for the SQL STATEMENTS

SELECT ALL: SELECT * FROM $$catalog$$$$schemaseparator$$$$schema$$$$schemaseparator$$$$table$$

The driver change really seems to be the issue with the limit. Since I upgraded it I have the same issue with my generic driver that was working before.

Hi Ryan,

The $$catalog$$ fix is in the next beta. 

For the java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException error and the LIMIT clause I am a bit puzzled as I get the same error with all these versions: (latest)



The current version of dbvis only, or older versions too? Current stable was working, but on debian installing beta makes the normal launch use the beta, haven't looked to see if I can get stable to launch and see if it has the issue. Beta is also getting edt violation errors, but I think that is just a flag during build. Some swing known issue thing, maybe related?


I am testing this with the beta DbVisualizer version.

I am a bit confused as it seems you are saying BigQuery worked with previous DbVisualizer versions but not in the beta irrespectively what Simba driver version is used?

The EDT violation errors are only visible in the beta and is happening due to a bad implementation in the Simba driver.



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I upgraded the Simba driver when I setup the beta version.  Made a new connection with the Google connector on the system to see how it was working and test.  I thought is was going to be the Simba driver because changing how things are handled seemed much more likely to be related to that as opposed to it being DBvis itself.  Using Generic and having the entire connection string as 


The default dbvis limits were used (the Max Rows entry on the UI and X rows on first display, I use 10 for that one)

I could get you the entire config for the old one.  As you know it's a pretty large file so I won't include it here, but I am attaching the steps I have my guys do to get it working with the stable version and my config.  If you want me to send that use my email attached to my username with a way to send it since I don't think having that sitting one the web would be a great idea.

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