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[File handling] Undo to a the saved state should erase the dirty buffer (mark)


I happen to open files do some changes and undo them. When I close the editor tab I am asked whether to keep the changes or to discard them. I would prefer not to get asked if the state the buffer (not sure whether this is the correct term for the representation of a file in DbVis data structure) is in, is the one that is already saved on disk.

I think along the lines:

  • For the undo, there must be some kind of linked list and a pointer to one of its elements for the state the buffer actually is in.
  • If one extended the object in the linked list with a flag for the currently saved state, one could check on closing of the buffer, whether the pointer points to the list element flagged as being the saved state.

Kind regards




Hi Thiemo,

This looks like a defect that we need to look into. I will register this and bring it up for discussion.
Thanks for taking the time to report it!

Kind Regards, 


Hej Ove

Thanks for taking care of it.

Kind regards


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