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[Reconnect sessions] buffer master password


I often put my laptop to sleep or it otherwise looses the connection to the DBs. I, naturally, "reconnect all" in such cases, and I always get asked for the master password. This is independent of loss of DB connection. A "reconnect all" always makes me ask for the master password. I do not see the point in doing so.

I believe this is behaviour is due to following option being set.


I would appreciate if a reconnect was considered atomic instead of:

  1. Close all connections
  2. Check whether there is an open connection
  3. Ask for the master password if there is no open connection and the option is set accordingly.
  4. Connect.

one could

  1. Check for an open connection.
  2. "Buffer" master password
  3. Close connections
  4. Open connections



Hej Thiemo,

The issue could possibly be that the driver information it is trying to retrieve is stored in your application directory Progis\DbVisualizer\resources\dbinfo\templates, not in your config directory.

Just to make sure, since it appears to fail every time, do you have permission to access files in that folder?



Hej Johan

This might be true, but then, why does it remove these connection details instead of giving a warning or ignoring it all together. It does not seem crucial if operation of the connection works without the access to the template stuff. I boldly assume that it does not work in any case in my env, presuming it a bit too big a coincidence that access to the template stuff only fails when converting the config and fails each time conveting - maybe the template stuff does not get queried at all while connecting.



Hej Thiemo,

This is really odd, I have tried upgrading from 14.0.2 to 14.0.3 and I do not see any issues with broken connections.

One thing I notice in your log is that it seems to fail reading the driver templates, it seems to be trying to access a folder on OneDrive and failing?



Hej Johan

Thanks for tackling this. I can reproduces the wiping of the UrlVariables by starting a 14.0.3 with a 14.0.2 config directory.

I am utterly uncertain with respect to whether the connections were broken befor the first reconnect. I could not reproduce it not to be broken immediately with the first start of 14.0.3, in fact the master password dialog does not pop up anymore at all. Should be visible in one of the screen casts attached earlier. But I distinctly remember that the first time the connectios worked and the "reconnect all" asked for my password. It does not make sense.

I tried to work around by experting the 02 settings imporing over 03 started on 02 config directory. It did not work.

  • There where created new connections instead of asking whether to overwrite existing or creating new ones.
  • All the connections (even the freshly imported ones) where broken.



Hej Thiemo,

I am unable to reproduce having to type the master password on reconnect.

Were the connections broken when you tried to reconnect, or did all of them connect successfully?

As the fix has been implemented, if a connection is broken it will still ask for the master password.

The url variables thing seems odd, I will look into that.



With respect to the set back, I figured out that the UrlVariables element has been emptied in dbvis.xml: <UrlVariables />

Maybe my logs can give you some clue.

I first started 14.0.3, quitted it, switched back to 14.0.2 with the same procedure.

(53.2 KB)
(53.2 KB)
(23 Bytes)

Ayayay. It also set back connection information, i.e. Datebase Server, Service maybe port too. I switched back to 14.0.2


It is getting worse. I now can start DbVis but the master password dialog does not get shown at all... I am quite puzzled about it.


Hej Dmitry

Thanks for the notification. I am afraid, something went wrong. I can not see a difference (see attached screen cast).




Hej Thiemo!

Just letting you know that we have released 14.0.3 where this is fixed. Now, you will not have to enter the master password when hitting “Reconnect All” as long as there are any open connections.

To upgrade open Help->Check for Update in DbVisualizer. Alternatively, you can download the new version from our website:




Hej Thiemo,

This sounds like something worth looking into, I will bring it up for discussion.



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