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DBvisualizer not responding and get stuck a lot

I have been using Dbvisualizer for several years now without any major issues

lately i have got a new laptop and upgraded the dbvisualizer to version 17 and than to 23.2.2 . unfortunately db is getting stuck several times a day , mainly when i try to move the app between my screen but also on other occasion , it very frustrating and updating to new version didnt work and might even made it worse

what can i do , any recommended version who work well will multiple screens? thanks

I think that is related to latest Windows update. In Java logs are a lot of DbVis threads in state TIMED_WAITING. Changing java distribution doesn´t help

Hi Magal!

I don't think this kind of behaviour has been reported earlier as far as I can remember. I'm creating an internal ticket for this and will get back to you shortly for more details.

Best regards,


Hi CD!

Are you experiencing a similar issue on your system? If this is the case, could you report this using Help -> Contact Support in DbVisualizer? This will give us some information about your environment which will hopefully help us find what is going on.



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